Results 1 - 20 of 11210
  • Easy Group Wealth Management Limited Tsimshatsui

    Major Duties: Prepare loan document and follow the loan drawdown Handle loan administration operations and reporting Perform clerical duties such as data entry, scanning & filing Receive a call and may need outdoor work such as courier documents Support ad-hoc assignment Requirement: Form 5 / Diploma holder or above 1 year experience (Fresh Graduate will also consideration) Good command of written and spoken English Proficient in MS Office & Chinese word processing Responsible, detail mi...

  • AIA International Limited Tsimshatsui

    Job Description We look for entrepreneurial and top caliber candidates to join our professional team to offer all-rounded financial solutions including financial planning, savings management, retirement planning and children’s education fund to clients.   We offer: Monthly allowance plus attractive commission and performance bonus Comprehensive training programs for professional advancement Successful candidates will enter into Career Representative Contracts with AIA Fast-track advancement oppo...

  • Bertha Chan and Company Tsimshatsui

    工作職責: 開拓目標市場 為客人提供全面的專業理財分析 為香港及國內的高端客戶提供遺產規劃及資產配置方案,開拓大中華新領域,中港兩地财富管理 領域包括: 資產重新分配 退休計劃 遺產規劃 提供中資產人士資產配置方案 開發新客戶及維護現有客戶資源 建立及管理財富管理團隊 入職條件: 副學士或大學以上學歷 持有有效香港永久居民身份證 / 配偶持可工作簽證 (Dependent Visa)/ IANG 具備良好溝通技巧及表達能力 有志建立個人事業,發展成為理財策劃優秀專才 熟識國內業務,懂國語粵語者優先 有意加入客戶服務行業人士,樂意跟客戶溝通 正面積極 我們提供: 每年有海外交流及旅行機會,擴闊員工在工作以外的視野 全面的培訓課程:財富管理知識、保險業運作、市場銷售概念、產品知識等等 設針對中國市場的產品培訓,以普通話授課 針對中國市場提供完善培訓計劃,適合國內背景人士適應香港生活 每月津貼加上具吸引力的佣金和表現獎金 快速的晉升機會 協助同事獲取財務策劃師專業資格 薪酬: 優厚津貼 佣金無上限 每月達標再有Bonus 年尾獎賞...


    Global Asset Group LTD Global Asset Group LTD Limited is a oversea property agency based in Hong Kong. To copy with our rapid business expansion, we are looking for high-calibre candidates to fill the following position: Sales Admin Responsibility : To provide professional and efficient after sales services’ extending to handling email correspondence to/from clients and customers To maintain customers database and perform other administration duties as required by team To assist in preparation w...

  • Vinda Paper Industrial (HK) Co Ltd Tsimshatsui

    J ob Descriptions: Review invoices and verify payment through coordinating with sales department; Handle payment record in systems by understanding expenses nature in a timely and accurate manner; Support month end closing and other accounting functions; Assist in any ad hoc tasks as assigned.   Requirements: Diploma or above in finance or accounting or related subjects. Preferably 1 year related sales or accounting experience preferable in trading industry; Fast learner with detail mind, self-m...

  • AIA International Limited Tsimshatsui

    Job Responsibilities To be trained to be professional and specialize in the financial industry To explore your career possibilities and lead your team Identify the needs of clients and provide professional financial advices Update latest financial news Two main categories  1. Team development Attempt planning strategies for constructing team Learn recruiting and managing team Share marketing strategies in team 2. Providing professional financial services Retirement planning Investment Risk manag...

  • Serquin Consultancy Services Tsimshatsui

    Responsibilities: Serve High Net Worth Individuals and solicit business opportunities through cross-selling and branch referral. Identify customers’ needs and provide customized solutions on a comprehensive range of investment and wealth management products to customers. Promote long term client relationships and enhance the company's value proposition. Ensure all selling activities are in compliance with the bank’s guidelines. Requirements: University graduate, preferably major in Business ...

  • AIA International Limited Tsimshatsui

    Job Description 福利待遇 獲提供保險牌照培訓課程,協助成功考取執業資格 除獲提供公司完善的在職培訓外,還有成功家族團隊資深經理為新人職同事特設的專業指導及培訓 鼓勵多勞多得,視乎應徵者學歷及工作經驗,申請獲批可按業績獲得每月津貼,另具吸引力的佣金和表現獎金 良好的機制及透明度高的晉升機會 符合業績資格者可獲公司邀請出席海外會議,及獲邀出席成功家族團隊海外旅行及其他獎勵 入職要求 大學或以上學歷 主動積極,具上進心 善交際,良好的溝通能力,表達力強 對工作有熱誠,好學又勇於挑戰自己 合資格人士將被邀請進行面試,通過面試後將獲推薦進入友邦精 英學院接受專業培訓及安排考取保險牌照,完成後將獲與友邦簽 訂營業代表合約 職責描述 向客戶提供專業及全面的財務策劃建議,包括人壽保險、儲蓄、 投資或退休計劃 積極開拓萬端人際網絡 為高端客戶提供資產配置及財富傳承方案 開拓團體保險、醫療保險及個人強積金業務...

  • Chun Fung Finance Investment Consultant Company Tsimshatsui

    職責: 負責及協助經理一切行政職務, 處理業務文件及日常事務, 支援及幫助經理行政和客戶的各項工作, 有銷售保險業務經驗優先。 工作範圍: 良好溝通技巧;對工作熱誠、細心、負責,具良好的人際關係和溝通技巧。 支持經理的日常招募, 管理和培訓工作,支持經理的日常銷售和顧客服務工作 學歷要求 : 中六或以上程度; 1年經驗( 無經驗亦可) ;良好普通話優先; 一般英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 懂操作電腦, MS Office; 必須有責任感, 具良好溝通技巧,   有1,3牌、銷售保險業務經驗或 曾有公共關係專業經驗優先 ※※歡迎應屆畢業生(香港各大學畢業內地生)均可 - 能操流利普通話或粵語※※   銀行假期,年終獎金,薪資面談。 有意者請電郵個人簡歷或電 5375 4867劉小姐...

  • AIA International Limited Tsimshatsui

    Requirements: Holders of valid Hong Kong identity card or valid work permits including IANG is a must Excellent communication skills with positive, responsible & challenging characters Easy co-operate with team member and willing to achieve higher target Responsibilities: Provide professional financial analysis and solution for our clients Plan and organize various sales promotion & maketing events Develop and manage professional financial strategic team Committed in Team divison of labo...

  • AIA International Limited Tsimshatsui

    Job Description An opportunity to provide private client services to high net worth individuals. We believe our approach is paramount, and proven to be a necessity in each individual's portfolio. If you are seeking a role where you become a complete entrepreneur, where growth and opportunities are unlimited; this platform will fulfill your aspirations.    Requirements: University graduates with Bachelor or above is an advantage Previous related working experience is an advantage Independent ...

  • AIA International Limited Tsimshatsui

    Job Description We are looking for: Self­-motivated and disciplined Willing to share Teamplayer Leader of the future Entrepreneur-alike mindset Fresh graduates are welcomed (Experience in associations of universities is an advantage) Mainland background or living experience is highly preferred Responsibilities: Identifying needs of clients and providing professional financial advice. Providing investment, saving, retirement and risk management solutions (asset management, risk management, insura...

  • IPP Financial Advisers Holdings Limited Tsimshatsui

    Change the system, impact the future If you’re looking for a career where you can control by yourself, join IPP and let’s build your career together. As the leader in wealth management, offering innovative and intelligent solutions to thousands of individual and businesses in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia and other high growth cities in Asia. We keep their interests foremost in our minds at all times. This combination of intellectual capital, comprehensive training, staffed with qual...

  • Wellman (HK) Limited Tsimshatsui

    - 工作內容 : 一般會計/簿記文員工作,負責會計和簿記,處理全盤帳目 ; - 專上教育:文憑/證書課程 ; - 5年經驗; 良好粵語優先; 良好英語優先 ; - 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文 ; - 懂Peachtree ; - 懂全盤會計 ; - 完成ACCA文憑階段 .   ★月薪$15,000 至 $18,000  ★ 尖沙咀區工作   ★ 辦工時間: 星期一至六, 11時至8時  ★ 10天年假,銀行假期,酌情性花紅,在職培訓,每月表現獎金,良好晉升機會.    有意者請電郵履歷表到

  • Tsimshatsui

    Job Highlights Degree 5-day Work Week 5 years’ relevant experience Responsibilities Handle full spectrum of company secretarial duties for the listed company and its subsidiaries incorporated in Hong Kong and offshore subsidiaries Organize board meetings, committee meetings and general meetings, prepare meeting notices, agendas and draft minutes and resolutions Prepare annual/interim reports, ESG report, circulars, announcements and other filings pursuant to Listing Rules Coordinate with PRC and...

  • AIA International Limited Tsimshatsui

    工作內容: 處理跨境金融投資和境外美元配置。外匯存款、股票、債券、基金和保險仍是投資配置中最受歡迎的配置。 找出財務問題、解決財政困難和避免投資失誤。 以美元配置香港壽險,把握美元升值使財富增值的好機會。 教導客戶理財的重要性,深入認識各種財富管理工具 利用平版電腦進行財務需要分析和作產品介紹 開拓大中華新領域,中港兩地财富管理 對象: ‧ 成熟,自我激勵和勤奮 ‧ 持有有效香港永久居民身份證 / 單程証DI / 受養人簽證 Dependent Visa / 持有IANG畢業生申請 ‧ 持有大學或以上學歷, 歡迎準畢業生 ‧ 對網絡營銷感興趣,熟悉社交媒體平台 ‧ 善於溝通,良好的人際交往能力 ‧ 有興趣向金融行業、 客戶服務、銷售有關工作發展 ‧ 懂流利的普通話/廣東話 ,基本的英語 配套及支援: 豐厚的傭金套餐 + 年終獎金 +全面的附加福利 (每月津貼最高達HK $50,000) 完善的全方位培訓,學習客戶服務上的技巧及心態 海外旅遊獎賞 良好晉升機會,量身定制的培訓發展計劃,幫助成為未來的領導 友邦精英學院(AIAPA):培養卓越的年輕活力的重點 MDRT 計劃 為「非本地畢業...

  • Tsimshatsui

    Job Highlights preparation of accounts, budgets and reports 5-day Work Week 6-8 years’ relevant experience Responsibilities: Prepare monthly consolidated accounts for the Company and its subsidiaries Assist in the preparation of annual and semi-annual reports Assist in the preparation of budgets Conduct budget variance analysis Ensure accuracy and completeness of data input by Accounting Officer Supervise and coach Accounting Officer Liaise with subsidiaries to deal with accounting, finance and ...

  • Wellman (HK) Limited Tsimshatsui

    - 工作內容 : 一般會計/簿記文員工作,負責會計和簿記,處理全盤帳目 ; - 專上教育:文憑/證書課程 ; - 5年經驗; 良好粵語優先; 良好英語優先 ; - 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文 ; - 懂Peachtree ; - 懂全盤會計 ; - 完成ACCA文憑階段 .   ★月薪$15,000 至 $18,000  ★ 尖沙咀區工作   ★ 辦工時間: 星期一至六, 11時至8時  ★ 10天年假,銀行假期,酌情性花紅,在職培訓,每月表現獎金,良好晉升機會.    有意者請按 立即申請  提交履歷表...

  • AIA International Limited Tsimshatsui

    Core Responsibilities: Manage a team of Employee Benefits Consultants Manage corporate business accounts Promote MPF, ORSO and group benefits, like Group Medical plans and Office Insurance Provide professional After-sales Services One stop services, like Retirement Planning Conduct MPF & ECA seminars Handle incoming inquiries from scheme members Maintain client base Update and Manage client relationship *** Recently working in bank or other MPF service providers over 1 year, absolutely advan...

  • LA POSTRE Tsimshatsui +

    職責 管理日常餐廳運作包括樓面及水吧 帶領樓面同事提供優質顧客服務 確保餐廳內提供的服務是符合訂定的衛生及安全標準 監控材料庫存及處理訂貨 培訓員工處理日常工作  工作要求: 2年或以上相關經驗, 有接待員經驗優先 具有良好的客戶服務、人際交往和溝通技巧 良好粵語; 能以一般普通話及英語溝通, 懂讀寫中、英文 懂POS系統及電腦操作 合資格在香港工作 工作地點:尖沙咀,元朗(其中一間) 福利: 每月6天有薪例假 新人獎金$2,000 New Join Bonus  膳食供應 Meal provided • 勤工獎金$1,000 Monthly Attendance Award • 達標獎金 Sales Target Bonus  服務獎金 Service Bonus 生日假 Birthday Holiday • 年假 10 天起 Annual Leave Start From 10 Days • 酌情性花紅 Discretionary Bonus • 員工推薦獎金 New Staff Referral Bonus • 小費 良好晉升機會 Promotion Opportunities ...

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