SIEMENSBeijingUpdate time: November 7,2022
Job Description
标准变频器产品业务拓展经理,负责标准变频器产品的市场推广,服务维护,价格管理等工作。并通过与总部和工厂的高效沟通,制定清晰的产品策略,推动标准变频器产品业务在中国市场的良好发展/ Standard inverter product business development manager, the main responsibility is Standard inverter product, price, placement, and promotion work. By effective communication with Head Quarter and clear product strategy, ensure the standard inverter business development in China market. What are my responsibilities? 1. 制定与实施标准变频器产品策略,包括产品定位,市场价格调研,服务物流,渠道发展等工作 / Develop clear standard inverter product strategy from perspectives of product, price, placement and promotion; 2. 利用TIA/ IDS,数字化等战略,加强对连续运动控制价值销售卖点的推广 / Enhance promotion for up selling points of continuous motion control with TIA/ IDS, digitalization strategy. 3. 负责标准变频器产品的全国业务推广,市场活动等工作 / Plan and implement marketing & promotion activities to increase awareness in mass market; 4. 收集和分析客户需求,与总部进行专业沟通,优化产品组合 / Collect and analyze customer requirements and professionally communicate with Head Quarter for optimizing product portfolio 5. 制定业务规划,全力保障业务指标的完成 / Make business planning and implement target fulfillment. 6. 跨部门合作,支持其他部门完成产品相关的工作,如渠道管理,销售,BD和PSS等部门 / Support other department colleagues like BD and sales etc. by knowledge transfer, business review meeting and portfolio workshops What do I need to qualify for this job? 1. 本科及以上学历,需机械,机电一体化,电机,电气工程,或自动化等相关专业教育背景/ Master or Bachelor in a relevant field of Mechanics, Mechatronics, Motors, Electrical Engineering, Automation. 2. 3 - 5年变频器相关工作经历 / 5 years work experience in Mechatronics, Drives Technology or Industrial Solution 3. 良好的英语听说读写能力/ Excellent English in speaking, listening, writing and reading. 4. 熟悉西门子运动控制产品或解决方案者优先。需有机械、机电一体化和电机方面的经验和知识 / Familiar with Siemens motion control products or solution is preferred. Experience and knowledge of Mechanics, Mechatronics and Motors are desired 5. 良好的表达能力和能力 / Good at communication skill and collaboration 6. 良好的逻辑思维和结构化思维能力,善于分析和沟通 / Good at logic and structured thinking, analyzing and communicating; 7. 能够适应经常出差 / Be able to business travel frequently Organization: Digital Industries Company: Siemens Ltd., China Experience Level: Experienced Professional Full / Part time: Full-time

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