Image Editor 修图师
嘉宏国际运输代理有限公司ShanghaiUpdate time: September 8,2019
Job Description

Job Description 岗位职责

1. Retouch Model photography images and enhance the skin, clothes and background, including outdoor and indoor studio images 图片编辑:包括影棚类人物图片和街拍类人物图片,对人体皮肤、服装及背景的修正,美化;

2. Retouch product photography images to a high standard, including shoe, bag, jewellery and etc.图片编辑:包括鞋、包和首饰等商品的图片修正,美化;

3. Perform quality assurance on all images 品牌要求可独立完成工作,能快速处理图片并保证图片的质量;

4. Name and maintain digital asset file/structure organization according to customers’ requirement品牌的要求对图片进行相应的管理、储存、批处理和归档;

5. Ensure colour consistency between all images and physical products自己的创意、想法和设计品位注入到图片中;

6. Working closely with Studio team and complete other tasks assigned by management. 摄影团队紧密合作,完成其他方面的工作。


1. 1-2 years of related working experience.1-2年相关工作经验;

2. Love and dedication to the fashion and garment profession. 时尚和服装行业;

3. High technical proficiency in professional-level photo editing software program, such as Photoshop.熟练使用Photoshop.

4。Bonus if familiar with other Adobe software. Should also be able to use Apple Macs. 图片编辑处理软件;

5. Creative eye on the composition and strong understanding of colour correction, attention 有独特的想法,具备时尚敏锐的图片鉴赏能力;

6. Communication in English is a big plus.能用英语进行日常工作交流者优先考虑。

职能类别: 后期制作

关键字: 修图、精修




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