Results 1 - 20 of 74
  • Mars Guangzhou

    A mutually rewarding experience. Work. Realize your ambitions. And realize there’s more to being in business than just making a profit. That’s the Mars philosophy. And the opportunity we offer every one of our Associates. An opportunity to take what you do and make it mean more for you, for those around you and for the planet. What you get here is challenging, interesting work. You get the tools you need to do a great job and you get to have the best possible people on your side to help you do i...

  • Bosch Group Guangzhou

    公司介绍 Do you want beneficial technologies being shaped by your ideas? Whether in the areas of mobility solutions, consumer goods, industrial technology or energy and building technology - with us, you will have the chance to improve quality of life all across the globe. Welcome to Bosch. 职位描述 Q-Resident located at a Camera supplier in Guangzhou responsible for all quality control and quality assurance, claim handling & Reporting as main Bosch interface for internal & for external customer...

  • 广州百奇盾软件开发有限公司 Guangzhou

    1、根据游戏风格进行游戏各类场景原画设计; 2、支援3D模式美术的产出质量优化工作; 3、与主美和游戏策划进行设计沟通。 4、对Q版欧式建筑和Q版日韩风等多种游戏风格场景插画设计和绘制的把握; 5、场景物件的设计、绘制和细化,图标道具的设计和制作。 岗位要求: 1、美术类专业,大专以上学历,有一年以上游戏场景设计经验者优先;(能画角色优先录用) 2、Photoshop painter 较好的美术基础,手绘能力较强,造型能力强, 3、有整体场景的规划掌控能力,对日韩、欧式建筑、物件结构和自然环境等有深刻的认识,对色彩及光影有研究; 职能类别: 原画师 绘画 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:天安科技园总部中心2号楼1801...

  • MARS Guangzhou

    A mutually rewarding experience. Work. Realize your ambitions. And realize there’s more to being in business than just making a profit. That’s the Mars philosophy. And the opportunity we offer every one of our Associates. An opportunity to take what you do and make it mean more for you, for those around you and for the planet.  What you get here is challenging, interesting work. You get the tools you need to do a great job and you get to have the best possible people on your side to help you do ...

  • Dassault Systèmes Guangzhou

    Imagine New Horizons Business Transformation High-tech team is in need of a Senior Client Executive to develop High-tech business in CHINA and increase 3DS penetration and revenue growth on a mid and long term basis. You have dreams? You enjoy a challenge? Here at Dassault Systèmes, we empower people and energize passion to change the world and create the future. Let’s open new horizons together with the power of 3DEXPERIENCE virtual universes! Shape your career with 3DS! #WeAre3DS What will you...

  • Beijing Byling Planet Information Technology Co.,Ltd. Guangzhou

    1.Plan and implement communication projects according to the international communication goals. 2. Responsible for the development and daily maintenance of the overseas media resources. 3. Responsible for writing and editing the company's brand communication content, including English press releases, media background checks, media interview Q&A. 4.Responsible for improve the good reputation and influence of the company and the product overseas, and drive the sales of the product. 1.Bachelor's de...

  • Beijing Byling Planet Information Technology Co.,Ltd. Guangzhou

    1.Plan and implement communication projects according to the international communication goals. 2. Responsible for the development and daily maintenance of the overseas media resources. 3. Responsible for writing and editing the company's brand communication content, including English press releases, media background checks, media interview Q&A. 4.Responsible for improve the good reputation and influence of the company and the product overseas, and drive the sales of the product. 1.Bachelor's de...

  • American Eagle Institute Guangzhou

    To Apply visit this link: Academic Manager Duties China Region Administrative Responsibilities Hold weekly meetings. Communicate with Chinese management regarding information that should be imparted to teaching staf f. Collect, proofread and distribute CC s, student evaluations and repor t cards. Check monthly clock-in cards and submit to payroll. Monthly absentee cards and submit to payroll. Ensure that classrooms and schoo l are decorated. Conducting teacher&rsq uo; s...

  • American Eagle Institute Guangzhou

    To Apply visit this link: Academic Manager Duties China Region Administrative Responsibilities Hold weekly meetings. Communicate with Chinese management regarding information that should be imparted to teaching staf f. Collect, proofread and distribute CC s, student evaluations and repor t cards. Check monthly clock-in cards and submit to payroll. Monthly absentee cards and submit to payroll. Ensure that classrooms and schoo l are decorated. Conducting teacher&rsq uo; s...

  • 广州市航通水电设备有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 荔湾区 年薪100,000 - 150,000元 职位信息 1、有二级建造师证或中级工程师证 2、对施工班组进行管理,负责编制工程进度计划、施工组织方案等文件; 3、按设计要求、操作规程和验收标准向生产班组进行技术、安全交底。 4、监督工程进行中的施工质量,对工程节点进行管理; 5、对图纸及施工中出现问题及时沟通解决。 6、服从公司安排,能适应驻外施工。 【其他说明】 1、公司服务对象为国际餐饮连锁店及国内知名连锁品牌店。 2、按多劳多得原则,能力越强,收入越高! 3、工资组成:基本工资+项目补贴+业绩提成。 职能类别: 建筑工程师 机电工程师 关键字: 建造师 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:周门北路38号协晟大厦807室 地图 公司信息 广州市航通水电设备有限公司是一家集商业室内设计与施工的公司,拥有广东省建设部审批的装修设计二级资质、建筑装修装饰工程专业承包贰级资质、建筑机电安装工程专业承包叁级资质。 航通公司自1996年成立至今,规模不断扩大,施工工程不断向多元化发展,工艺也在不断进步。“精益求精,品质保证” 是航通公司的工作态度,同时更对客户作出“双Q”承诺:Q-“QU...

  • Guangzhou Happy Interactive Entertainment Technology Co,Ltd. Guangzhou

    Job Description: 1. Responsible for building communities (mainly Facebook, Line, etc.) 2. Responsible for the recruitment and daily management of community users; 3. Responsible for community content release, topic guidance, user q&A, improve community activity through effective operation means, promote user interaction, and create a good community atmosphere; 4. Actively interact with users, tap potential and core users, promote user conversion, collect user feedback, sort out user needs and ti...

  • 尚德机构 查看所有职位 Guangzhou

    实习生 挑战高薪,尚德机构欢迎你! 如果你希望从事一份高收入,挑战大,有激情,提升快,能不断学习提升自己的职业,尚德机构欢迎你加入。在这里不求学历,性别不限,只要你肯努力,肯拼搏,带有梦想,你能行的! 成为我们公司员工将得到:高底薪+高提成+五险一金+公平快速晋升+完善培训+国内旅游+出国旅游外,优秀员工可成为公司合伙人拿高额奖金分红,拼搏机会! 岗位职责: 根据公司提供的精准客户资源,通过电话、微信、QQ等多种渠道为客户介绍合适的课程产品,跟进客户情况,最终达成报名完成销售业绩。 岗位要求: 1.年龄18-28岁周岁,我们是年轻的团队! 2.大专以上学历,不限专业,优秀者可放宽学历条件! 3.无需工作经验,无需销售经验,只要你有一颗奋斗的心! 4.口齿清晰,普通话流利,表达清晰! 5.懂得基本的电脑操作! 薪酬福利: 1.入职即与公司签订合同,购买五险一金; 2.无责任底薪2500-5100+绩效工资+高额提成4-15%+奖金500-2000+年终奖 =试用期内均薪6K-8k,40%的人月薪在7K以上,23%的人月薪在1W以上(高不封顶) 3.新人3个月即可转正成为正式员工,3个月有...

  • 尚德机构 查看所有职位 Guangzhou

    实习生 职位诱惑:晋升快,免费学习,带薪培训,超长假期 职位描述: 坐标天河区教育科技创意园,高大上办公环境,各种大咖等你来勾搭。但是在这之前,我们希望你可以看看这段话:人想要成功,就要把自己放在一个成功的环境里面,好水酿好酒,好土造好壶,好环境才能造就成功人。我们不管你之前做什么,不管你是什么学历。 我们只需要你具备: (1)、不甘平凡,不甘平庸,想通过自己的努力从平凡的生活走向社会顶层的决心。 (2)、有着发自骨子里面的强烈的赚钱欲望和强烈的成功欲望的决心. (3)、自信,乐观,豁达,有团队意识和服从意识。因为一个成功的团队,必然是一个纪律严明,要求严格,并有着特有的成功模式的团队 (4)、勇于学习,勇于改变,勇于承担,勇于付出。因为你只有打破原有的思维和习惯,才能接受更好的思想和理念,才能学到更多成功的经验。 【你的工作】 1、 依托公司提供意向资源与学员沟通,学员主动咨询; 2、结合意向学员需求,推荐合适课程,提供专业服务,达成销售业绩指标; 3、 无需外出,无需开发资源,成单快,周期短; 4、 顾问式营销,有无销售经验均可。 【我们的要求】 1、年龄18-28周岁,大专及以上...

  • Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Guangzhou

    Summary of Job Responsibilities: 1. Handles registration projects for new product and CMC variations according to the regulations and registration plan. 2. Provides regulatory and technical support to other departments, including Q&A, R&D, Supply Chain, Marketing etc. 3. Shapes healthcare environment. Principal Accountabilities of Job: 1. Ensures successful execution of regulatory strategy and submission for registration projects; 2. Provides guidance and advice to function departments o...

  • 港中旅国际旅行社有限公司 Guangzhou

    1.通过电商平台(携程、去哪儿、飞猪)进行比价,并按公司销售策略进行投放公布运价、公转私、申请私有运价,并安排订单出票、退、改等售后; 2.对收到订单寻找最有优势供应商,寻找创利点; 3.协助上级领导寻找有优势的线路产品,及时发现新的价单; 4.及时清Q,通知平台航变信息; 5.协助财务完成清款工作; 6.有电商平台、 国际机票操作经验者优先。 职能类别: 电子商务专员 关键字: 电商专员 机票 微信分享 联系方式 上班地址:东风东路753号天誉商务大厦东塔2401...

  • 广州林广教育咨询有限公司 Guangzhou

    公司介绍 广州林广教育咨询有限公司,是一家专业的语言教育培训机构(包括对外汉语、英语、韩国语、日语等), 专门向中外企业、海外华人华侨及其他外籍人士传播中国语言文化,提供各种层次的语言教育培训,促进中外文化交流。 本公司与韩国独资企业LG Display、韩国GS建设、乐海恩泰、易安爱富、乐采商贸、大成气体、科美电子、韩国喜星电子有限公司等都具有长期的业务合作伙伴关系。 岗位职责: 本公司教学对象主要包括中外企业的总裁、外籍员工及家属等。教学形式分为个性化一对一、VIP一对一、小班教学等。教学时间根据公司和学员具体需求而定。 1、努力提高学员的汉语水平; 2、完善学院教学计划和内容; 3、负责课程大纲、课件的编撰,自主教材的修订及更新。 任职要求 1. 具备专业汉语语言学知识及中国文化知识; 2. 热爱对外汉语教学事业,富有责任心,教学方式生动有趣,能够寓教于乐; 3. 语言类专业优先(对外汉语、汉语言文学、韩语等),懂韩语优先; 4. 有对外汉语教学实践经验者优先; 5. 身体健康,能适应公司上课时间安排; 6. 形象气质佳,具备良好沟通能力; 7. 对外汉语教学方向同时招聘全职教师...

  • Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Guangzhou

    广州市 Summary of Job Responsibilities: 1. Handles registration projects for new product and CMC variations according to the regulations and registration plan. 2. Provides regulatory and technical support to other departments, including Q&A, R&D, Supply Chain, Marketing etc. 3. Shapes healthcare environment. Principal Accountabilities of Job: 1. Ensures successful execution of regulatory strategy and submission for registration projects; 2. Provides guidance and advice to function departmen...

  • Guangzhou Singularity Cross Border e-commerce Co., Ltd. Guangzhou

    Job Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the daily live broadcast work of the TikTok live broadcast platform, and the pack order in the live broadcast room 2. Interactive Q&A with an online audience. Continuously improve your live streaming skills to increase fan dwell time, audience communication rates, and customer conversion rates. Participate in live broadcast reviews with partners to improve quality. 3. Collaborate with teammates, participate in events and produce featured content such as p...

  • 广州林广教育咨询有限公司 Guangzhou

    公司介绍 广州林广教育咨询有限公司,是一家专业的语言教育培训机构(包括对外汉语、英语、韩国语、日语等), 专门向中外企业、海外华人华侨及其他外籍人士传播中国语言文化,提供各种层次的语言教育培训,促进中外文化交流。 本公司与韩国独资企业LG Display、韩国GS建设、乐海恩泰、易安爱富、乐广采、大成气体、韩国喜星电子有限公司、韩国晓星集团及佳能光学设备有限公司等都具有长期的业务合作伙伴关系。 岗位职责: 本公司教学对象主要包括中外企业的总裁、外籍员工及家属等。教学形式分为个性化一对一、VIP一对一、小班教学等(上述均属上门培训)。教学时间根据公司和学员具体需求而定。 1、努力提高学员的汉语水平; 2、完善学院教学计划和内容; 3、负责课程大纲、课件的编撰,自主教材的修订及更新。 任职要求 1. 具备专业汉语语言学知识及中国文化知识; 2. 热爱对外汉语教学事业,富有责任心,教学方式生动有趣,能够寓教于乐; 3. 语言类专业优先(对外汉语、汉语言文学、韩语等); 4. 有半年以上对外汉语教学实践经验者优先; 5. 身体健康,能适应公司上课时间安排; 6. 形象气质佳,具备良好沟通能力;...

  • 斑马技术服务有限公司 Guangzhou

    广州市 黄埔区 Responsibility: Early involvement for NPI project in terms of design review, risk review and part qualification. Participate in NPI build for process sign off. Coordination with component suppliers and contribution to solve quality problems from JDM/EMS/Customer field according to e.g. 8D-methodology or 5 whys and drive projects to solve the problems sustainably. Core team member for CRM activities to lead supplier activities on tooling transfer and product and production qualification O...

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