Results 1 - 20 of 1778
  • Wuhan East Education Shijiazhuang

    Job ID:LESL 436 Hebei( For Feb) Position: University Vacancy: 8 Location: Shijiazhuang or Langfang,Tangshan Salary:8000-12000RMB RMB Qualification: Bachelor and tesol Experience required: more than 1 year Workload:12-16classes/week, 45minutes/class Medical Insurance: Yes Travel allowance:Yes Spacious single housing ---fully furnished, fully self contained To apply, you should provide: a〉 resume b〉 recent photo c〉 passport copy d〉 highest education certificate( degree is preferred, but not necess...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    作为市场传媒经理职位,您将应以最高标准完成以下任务: ·熟悉了解酒店产品知识,以及相关活动。 负责酒店所有产品的宣传与推广工作,包括但不限于客房,餐饮,宴会等。 ·协助相关部门完成酒店设定的收入目标及相关任务。 ·制定并执行酒店的广告预算和对外广告发布。 ·协调并执行与酒店所有营运部门的酒店活动和促销的沟通计划(如销售,餐饮等)。 ·确保酒店在主要客源地的主流平台上有良好的形象以及相对应的流量。 ·与媒体建立良好的关系(出版物、广播等),执行酒店的市场宣传活动。 ·全面监督酒店所有印刷产品以确保和集团指导方针的一致性。 ·确保酒店主页官微等网络及社交媒体平台信息准确并及时更新。 ·实时监测各个网络平台相关客人评论并予以及时回复。 ·策划和执行酒店公关活动的计划,并取得预期的ROI。 ·根据酒店标准设计印刷品并确保印刷品的质量。 ·管理一个全面有目标性的资料库,并发布酒店促销活动广告。 ·根据商务发展部的预算监控开支,最大化投资回报。 ·通过与酒店其他部门,或者外界组织,政府部门联络以协调并执行酒店不同项目。 ·协助国内外媒体的摄影,摄像和采访。 ·及时地更新图库和宣传资料袋以维持固定资...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    作为一级厨师,您将应以最高标准完成以下任务: ·为客人和团队成员高效率的提供食物,做到物美价廉,要按照标准食谱制作并且要符合食品卫生。 ·在厨房运作方面支持副厨师长或厨房主管工作,保证提供高效率的服务。 ·计划和准备执行高质量的食品和摆台在指定的区域和餐厅。 ·根据标准食谱卡、为客人及团队成员准备和制作食品。 ·严格按照菜谱、标准和摆盘标准。 ·在酒店运营之中保持HACCP各方面要求。 ·正确操作所有的设备、器具和机器。 ·能够接受外场工作任务。 ·能够接受在厨房以外的地点完成工作。 ·接受盘点库存的工作。 ·所有团队成员都应知道关于住宿率,宴会,预测计划和收益。 ·对于每位客人的要求要及时作出回应使客人满意。 ·积极的学习和不断的创新菜肴。 ·时刻保持以专业和积极的态度对待团队成员和上级,行为举止以酒店的规则和团队成员手册的依据,确保部门的良好运营。 ·参加并积极地参与所有的培训。 ·时刻理解、实践和促进团队合作,提高工作效率,达到使命和目标以及部门的总体标准。 ·如有必要,管理层有权更改或补充该职位描述。 ·完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。 希尔顿一级厨师始终要以宾客的利益为...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    作为餐厅服务员,您将应以最高标准完成以下任务: ·具有积极的态度和影响力,责任感及主动解决问题的意愿,并能跟客人和团队成员清晰、有效沟通。 ·积极主动,承担义务,乐于热情地挑战任务,并寻找机会学习新技能或知识以便更好地展现自己。 ·上岗时着装要遵循形象要求标准,并遵循排班表按规定时间到岗。 ·熟悉掌握菜单知识并可以自如地向客人做以介绍,根据客人的不同国籍,推荐菜单上的食品及酒水。 ·理解健康食品,并可以向客人提出合理的建议。 ·熟练正确地指出自助餐台上的食品。 ·保证自助餐台的整洁。 ·达到工作技能检查表要求的产品知识水平。 ·遵守工作程序,确保餐厅根据早、中、晚餐以及客人的要求正确摆台,包括摆台、自助餐台的准备工作,各种服务设备准备就绪。以及自己已经被当班主管做好关于本次活动细节通知。 ·保证各种设备设施的清洁,随时可以对客服务。 ·按照主管或经理的要求,协助饮料服务员及厨房员工。 ·根据工作技能标准的要求,完成餐厅对客服务的准备工作。 ·微笑迎接客人,协助客人存放外套及背包并作自我介绍。 ·所有客人都需被引至桌旁,并询问他们喜欢坐在哪个位子。 ·保证客人就座后的两分钟内提供饮料,随...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    作为礼宾部副经理,您将应以最高标准完成以下任务: ·编制与行李有关的工作程序,并确保礼宾部及车队员工在工作中遵守工作程序。 ·负责礼宾部的正常有效运行最大限度令客人满意。 ·协调并确保客人的行李及时送达。 ·监督并指导礼宾部主管,确保遵守酒店的制度和程序。 ·确保贵宾及希尔顿荣誉客会会员得到完善招待,其它客人得到机场接送服务。 ·就酒店操作可以改进之处,提出推荐意见。 ·确保所有礼宾员工达到管理层提出的仪容仪表标准。 ·熟知所有紧急情况处理程序,确保所有员工和客人的安全。 ·根据酒店/部门目标、政策和实际情况与团队成员共同设立团队目标。 ·根据酒店及希尔顿集团标准保持个人形象。 ·保证按时完成各项报告及上级分配的各项工作。 ·坚持酒店安全制度、紧急情况处理规定和程序。 ·如有必要,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。 ·完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。 ·需要了解当地旅游文化,以及城市概况,为客人提供贴心服务。 希尔顿礼宾部副经理始终要以宾客的利益为重并与其他团队成员密切合作。若要成功地应聘这一职位,您的态度、行为、技能和价值观应符合下列标准: ·高中毕业或以上学历 ·至少3年礼宾主...

  • Wuhan East Education Shijiazhuang

    Job ID:LESL 436 Hebei( For Feb) Position: University Vacancy: 8 Location: Shijiazhuang or Langfang,Tangshan Salary:8000-12000RMB RMB Qualification: Bachelor and tesol Experience required: more than 1 year Workload:12-16classes/week, 45minutes/class Medical Insurance: Yes Travel allowance:Yes Spacious single housing ---fully furnished, fully self contained To apply, you should provide: a〉 resume b〉 recent photo c〉 passport copy d〉 highest education certificate( degree is preferred, but not necess...

  • Xudashan Consulting Shijiazhuang

    JOB DESCRIPTION • Shijiazhuang • University Mechanical teacher • Number of vacancy: 1-2 • Arrival time: start work as soon as possible • Salary and benefits: half salary during winter and summer vacations, negotiable 12k-15k • Weekly class hours: 6-10 REQUIREMENTS: • Major requirements: Mechanical • Nationality: English-speaking country or European • Education: Master or above • Age: Under 60 • work experience: 2 years or more • Other requirements: Able to take the Mechanical courses as follows ...

  • Beijing Enke Education Technology Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang

    Teaching position description: Shijiazhuang Number of people required: 1-2 Education: Master's or above Professional requirements: Mechanical Nationality: English speaking country or Europe Age: Under 60 Work experience: unlimited Other requirements: Able to undertake mechanical courses On duty time: As soon as possible Salary and welfare benefits:12k-15k...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    作为预定部文员,您将应以最高标准完成以下任务: •按时完成希尔顿大学相关课程学习,并确保通过测试。 •熟悉了解酒店产品知识,以及相关活动。同时对酒店及周边的产品知识具备高度的认知。 •实现客房销售和收益的最大化,其中以客房促销最为重要。 •及时高效的处理来自不同渠道的预定。 •完成当班文秘工作,具体包括准备往来文件,文件的归档,发送传真,电子邮件等。 •一直保持积极的销售态度,不错失酒店范围内的任何销售机会。 •确保所有的被拒业务根据原因加以归档。 •确保所有往来文件被及时归档,其信息准确无误。 •遵守公司的信用制度并确保所有预期收益能被及时收取。 •遵守预先设定的客房供应及房价控制。 •根据预定部相关流程,维护及更新客户资料和营销数据库。 •持续性地确保高水准的对客服务标准。 •确保与相关的所有信息输入准确无误,并保证有足够的备份以做检查。 •定期组织员工培训,确保员工收悉了解酒店产品,服务标准及相关知识。 •遵守所有公司关于预定部的规定。 •遵守由酒店所有有关系统和操作流程的规定。 •将预定的工作质量永远放在首位。 •严格遵守品牌服务标准。 •确保员工充分的理解并遵守员工手册内容。...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    To ensure that all merchandise entering the storerooms have proper documentation (delivery dockets, purchase orders etc.). 确保所有进入仓库的货物有合适的书面文件(送货单,采购单等). To ensure that all merchandise is examined for both quality and quantity against approvedPO. 根据批准的采购单确保所有货物的质量和数量都经过检查. To ensure merchandise is forwarded to either the storerooms; or in the case of direct orders, to the department concerned. 确保货物被运送到仓库或直入部门. To properly document and account for all outgoing merchandise with gate pass from Secu...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    作为工程技工,您将应以最高标准完成以下任务: ·严格遵守《员工守则》和各项规章制度,服从管理,听从指挥。 ·严格执行各项规章制度,认真操作,确保设备安全运行。 ·保证酒店日常供电、供水、供气、供热、供冷设备正常运转。 ·及时巡视准确的填报设备运行记录及交接班记录。 ·对所管辖的设备、设施进行巡检与维护。 ·节约能源,控制能源消耗。 ·跟进宴会、会议的保障工作,保证酒店宴会、会议设备的正常工作。 ·定期按要求试运行发电机、确保断电时发电送电。 ·执行管理层所分配的其他工作任务。 希尔顿工程技工始终要以宾客的利益为重并与其他团队成员密切合作。若要成功地应聘这一职位,您的态度、行为、技能和价值观应符合下列标准: ·熟悉大型数据中心基础设施(供电、空调、消防、安防、监控、网络等)的运行原理,故障判断方法; ·愿长期从事白班、夜班轮流制的监控岗位,有充足的学习时间; ·工作责任心强,具备团队合作精神,具有较好的职业素质,有较强的学习能力; ·工作积极上进,具有良好的服务意识; ·良好的分析和解决问题的能力,能独立完成各种工作。 Job: Engineering, Maintenance and ...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    With thousands of hotels in over 100 countries and territories, Hilton offers countless opportunities to delight. From an open door to a welcoming smile and an exceptional experience, we offer the millions of travellers who stay with us every year a welcome they will never forget. In addition to our flagship brand, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, the family of brands includes Waldorf Astoria, LXR, Conrad, Canopy, Curio Collection, DoubleTree, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton and many others. If you appre...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    With thousands of hotels in over 100 countries and territories, Hilton offers countless opportunities to delight. From an open door to a welcoming smile and an exceptional experience, we offer the millions of travellers who stay with us every year a welcome they will never forget. In addition to our flagship brand, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, the family of brands includes Waldorf Astoria, LXR, Conrad, Canopy, Curio Collection, DoubleTree, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton and many others. If you appre...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    With thousands of hotels in over 100 countries and territories, Hilton offers countless opportunities to delight. From an open door to a welcoming smile and an exceptional experience, we offer the millions of travellers who stay with us every year a welcome they will never forget. In addition to our flagship brand, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, the family of brands includes Waldorf Astoria, LXR, Conrad, Canopy, Curio Collection, DoubleTree, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton and many others. If you appre...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    With thousands of hotels in over 100 countries and territories, Hilton offers countless opportunities to delight. From an open door to a welcoming smile and an exceptional experience, we offer the millions of travellers who stay with us every year a welcome they will never forget. In addition to our flagship brand, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, the family of brands includes Waldorf Astoria, LXR, Conrad, Canopy, Curio Collection, DoubleTree, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton and many others. If you appre...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    With thousands of hotels in over 100 countries and territories, Hilton offers countless opportunities to delight. From an open door to a welcoming smile and an exceptional experience, we offer the millions of travellers who stay with us every year a welcome they will never forget. In addition to our flagship brand, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, the family of brands includes Waldorf Astoria, LXR, Conrad, Canopy, Curio Collection, DoubleTree, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton and many others. If you appre...

  • Hilton Shijiazhuang

    With thousands of hotels in over 100 countries and territories, Hilton offers countless opportunities to delight. From an open door to a welcoming smile and an exceptional experience, we offer the millions of travellers who stay with us every year a welcome they will never forget. In addition to our flagship brand, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, the family of brands includes Waldorf Astoria, LXR, Conrad, Canopy, Curio Collection, DoubleTree, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton and many others. If you appre...

  • Wide Talents Human Resources Service Co,Ltd. Shijiazhuang

    August or negotiable,2023// Pre-Kindergarten homeroom teachers needed in August 2023 in Shijiazhuang city . Start Date: Aug. 2023; Location: shijiazhuang city, hebei province. Other details: 1. Contract length: 1 year; 2. Salary: salary open to negotiate depending on qualification, nationality, degree, how many years teaching experience (kindergarten experience in China a plus); 3. Age of students: kindergarten 3-6 years old; 4. Working hours: Monday to Friday 8-5pm with a lunch break; 5. Bonus:...

  • Winter Human Resources Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang

    근무지: 허베이 스자좡 한 대학 subjects teacher 업무내용 : 대학 전공과정 vacancies :3 인수: 3 명 2.background and curriculum:전공 배경 및 과정 Animation production technology (Basic painting, basic visual communication, Introduction to animation, 2D animation, 3D animation) 애니메이션 제작기술(그림기초, 시각전달기초, 애니메이션개론, 2 차원애니메이션, 3 차원애니메이션) Digital media technology (figure painting, 2D animation, off-line editing and production, 3D modeling, visual effects, CG) Character Effects Production (maya Advanced) 디지털미디어기술(인물회화, 2 차원애니...

  • Winter Human Resources Co., Ltd Shijiazhuang

    근무지: 허베이 스자좡 한 대학 subjects teacher 업무내용 : 대학 전공과정 vacancies :3 인수: 3 명 2.background and curriculum:전공 배경 및 과정 Animation production technology (Basic painting, basic visual communication, Introduction to animation, 2D animation, 3D animation) 애니메이션 제작기술(그림기초, 시각전달기초, 애니메이션개론, 2 차원애니메이션, 3 차원애니메이션) Digital media technology (figure painting, 2D animation, off-line editing and production, 3D modeling, visual effects, CG) Character Effects Production (maya Advanced) 디지털미디어기술(인물회화, 2 차원애니...

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