Results 1 - 20 of 2890
  • RunXin Insurance Broker Co.,Ltd Shanghai Branch Shanghai

    Job description岗位职责: 1. Generate new business to achieve yearly set targets. 确保完成年度新业目标 2. Build portfolio of prospects. 建立潜在客户文档 3. Work with Team Manager and General Manager to identify new clients, target client sector and create, build and develop a pipeline of prospects. 能独立或者与部门经理和总经理合作,发现新客户和目标客户群体,并建立和开发潜在客户渠道 4. Maintain and service existing French clients to achieve successful renewal ratio with the support of Team Manager, General Manager and client servicing team. 维护和服务现有法国客户,并在总经理和客...

  • RunXin Insurance Broker Co.,Ltd Shanghai Branch Beijing

    Job description岗位职责: 1. Generate new business to achieve yearly set targets. 确保完成年度新业目标 2. Build portfolio of prospects. 建立潜在客户文档 3. Work with Team Manager and General Manager to identify new clients, target client sector and create, build and develop a pipeline of prospects. 能独立或者与部门经理和总经理合作,发现新客户和目标客户群体,并建立和开发潜在客户渠道 4. Maintain and service existing French clients to achieve successful renewal ratio with the support of Team Manager, General Manager and client servicing team. 维护和服务现有法国客户,并在总经理和客...

  • RunXin Insurance Broker Co.,Ltd Shanghai Branch Shanghai

    Job description岗位职责: 1. Generate new business to achieve yearly set targets. 确保完成年度新业目标 2. Build portfolio of prospects. 建立潜在客户文档 3. Work with Team Manager and General Manager to identify new clients, target client sector and create, build and develop a pipeline of prospects. 能独立或者与部门经理和总经理合作,发现新客户和目标客户群体,并建立和开发潜在客户渠道 4. Maintain and service existing French clients to achieve successful renewal ratio with the support of Team Manager, General Manager and client servicing team. 维护和服务现有法国客户,并在总经理和客...

  • RunXin Insurance Broker Co.,Ltd Shanghai Branch Beijing

    Job description岗位职责: 1. Generate new business to achieve yearly set targets. 确保完成年度新业目标 2. Build portfolio of prospects. 建立潜在客户文档 3. Work with Team Manager and General Manager to identify new clients, target client sector and create, build and develop a pipeline of prospects. 能独立或者与部门经理和总经理合作,发现新客户和目标客户群体,并建立和开发潜在客户渠道 4. Maintain and service existing French clients to achieve successful renewal ratio with the support of Team Manager, General Manager and client servicing team. 维护和服务现有法国客户,并在总经理和客...

  • RunXin Insurance Broker Co.,Ltd Shanghai Branch Beijing

    Job description岗位职责: 1. Generate new business to achieve yearly set targets. 确保完成年度新业目标 2. Build portfolio of prospects. 建立潜在客户文档 3. Work with Team Manager and General Manager to identify new clients, target client sector and create, build and develop a pipeline of prospects. 能独立或者与部门经理和总经理合作,发现新客户和目标客户群体,并建立和开发潜在客户渠道 4. Maintain and service existing French clients to achieve successful renewal ratio with the support of Team Manager, General Manager and client servicing team. 维护和服务现有法国客户,并在总经理和客...

  • Pacific Prime Simplifying Insurance Beijing

    A day in the life: -Talk with clients to understand their insurance needs -Prepare quotations for clients according to needs/requirements -Leverage in-depth insurance knowledge to steer clients towards a viable solution -Review insurance plans & provide recommendations -Work with teams to deliver quality customer service at all touch points -Follow-up & service clients on a regular basis Skills you possess: -Autonomous, proactive, enthusiastic and caring -Flexible, creative, and able to adapt to...

  • Sino-US United MetLife Insurance Co., Ltd. Beijing

    THE COMPANY DOES NOT PROVIDE WORK VISAS. We offer flexible way of working; you can work flexibly according to your own situation. There is no cap on income. There are many foreigners working in China, but most of them do not have insurance. Once they are sick and hospitalized, they will represent a lot of losses. In addition, many foreigners are optimistic about China's future and hope to lock in safe and considerable compound interest in the future by deploying Chinese insurance. We hope that y...

  • Beijing Intewing General Aviation Technology Research Co., Ltd. Beijing

    岗位职责 (Job Responsibilities ): 1: 负责我司活动的发言(公司提供发言内容及现场翻译); Responsible for the speech of our company's activities (Our company provides the speech content and on-site translation); 2:负责我司活动现场的答疑工作; Responsible for answering questions on the spot of our company's activities; Qualifications: 任职资格 (Qualifications): 1: 法国国籍,男女不限; French nationality, male or female is ok; 2: 法语或英语可以正常交流沟通,会中文沟通为加分项; Can speak French or English, speaking Chinese is plus ; 3: 可接受每周一次的出席活动,每次2小时左右; Attend the activity o...

  • Insurance Authority Southern district

    Reporting to the Senior Manager, Technical Expert, the incumbent will assume the following:   Key Responsibilities Participate in developing the supervisory assessment methodology, with actuarial focus on capital adequacy, risk modelling, ERM and ORSA etc Conduct technical review on ORSA reports submitted from insurers Perform actuarial analysis on group capital aggregation methodology, recovery and resolution plan Provide actuarial and risk management peer review across teams and divisions Perf...

  • AXA安盛 Kowloon

    F YOU CAN DREAM IT, YOU CAN DO IT Job description and responsibilities Provide comprehensive Financial and Investment advice to clients. Identify clients’ needs and establish appropriate plans/retirement schemes. Legacy planning to High Net Worth individuals. Team building and participating in own career development.   Entry Requirements Associate Degree or above HK I.D Card holder and Welcome Mainland China Fresh Graduates with IANG student Energetic with Entrepreneurship Passionate, independen...

  • AXA安盛 Hong kong

    2020之「AXA安盛業務管理培訓生計劃」現已正式開始接受報名。 透過多元化活動及工作坊,協助擁有創業理想之大專生掌握營商知識及技巧,務求令一眾實習生有一個既充實又愉快的學習體驗,亦能從中加深對理財策劃工作的理解,為將來踏上創富之路作準備! 部 份課程內容 : 個人形象工作坊 性格与事業工作坊 成功創業者親身分享 創業家體驗營 個人體感挑戰賽 財富管理工作 理財策劃事業發展講座 聯合拜訪客戶(實戰) 計劃對象 : 現就讀全日制大專生或以上之學生 (包括IANG) 歡迎2020年畢業生 特別適合創業不甘平凡的年輕人, 如何於在學期間打好創業基礎並即時可賺取可觀收入  費用全免並獲頒發 實習証書 及津貼加表現獎金,傑出表現者更可邀出席海外旅遊機會 查詢及報名 : 聯系項目經理蔡先生96336822或電郵,名額有限,...

  • AXA安盛 Kowloon

    掌握自己的人生經營屬於自己的事業 自主開創發展前路 AXA每一位理財顧問都致力建立屬於自己的事業和人生,理財顧問發揮個人實力,為客戶提供優質的理財方案及服務,幫助他們作出人生中重大的理財決策。同時,您亦可成就自己的輝煌事業,並擁有自主空間,繼續為人生目標奮鬥。 AXA 安盛設有兩條明確的事業發展路徑和清晰的晉升階梯,助您盡展潛能並發揮所長,因應個人目標奠定理想事業藍圖。 理財顧問 :安盛亦為理財顧問建立清晰透明的銷售事業發展方向。只要達到指定業績要求,便可獲得晉升機會,所付出的努力肯定得到回報。 經銷管理 :作為經銷經理,您需發揮出色的領導才能和團隊合作精神,不僅負責為下屬訂立業務目標及管理其日常工作,並在其事業發展路途上擔當專業導師角色。   商機無限: 1.) #政府監管 #可扣税 #自願醫保 #延期年金 #強積金自願性供款 2.) #免費整合強積金 3.) #僱主各項保險 #團體醫療 #公司強積金 #公司醫療 #勞保 4.) #所有保險 #醫保 #儲蓄 #投資 #保單檢討 #旅遊保險 #車保 #家居保 5.)#無限發展擴張自己的團隊   豐厚回報與嘉許 年薪百萬是基本追求,除基本...

  • AXA安盛 Kowloon

    ---------- 理 財 策 劃 ----------- 豐厚入息 /  年薪百萬事業、收入無上限 工作意義 /  為客戶建立經濟保障、財富增值 晉升機會 / 立志 晉升管理階層、建立團隊、永續經營 個人成長 /  廣闊社交圈子、專業成長考取 CFP 由專業'認可財務策劃師CFP', 百萬元圓卓會會員親自指導 , 以達致 專業 及 實戰 培訓 由AXA專業學院提供超過100項專業銷售及管理課程, 在事業旅途上持續得到培訓 最具創新、競爭力及全面的保險、多元化基金產品 將可獲公司派發現有客戶 , 幫助新人開拓客源. 新人培訓津貼及花紅高達 240,000 以上 豐厚佣金+1年9次花紅+醫療福利 最快速的晉升  豁免考牌費及註冊費用  已有保險牌另設獎金 我們賞識人才,立即聯絡,立即安排面試機會 我們是賞識人才的團隊,有意發展自己的事業者、找緊機遇; 請即聯絡預約面試,招募經理: ????/WhatsApp 96336822 (蔡先生)...

  • Insurance Authority Southern district

    Reporting to the Senior Manager, Technical Expert, the incumbent will assume the following:   Key Responsibilities Participate in developing the supervisory assessment methodology, with actuarial focus on capital adequacy, risk modelling, ERM and ORSA etc Conduct technical review on ORSA reports submitted from insurers Perform actuarial analysis on group capital aggregation methodology, recovery and resolution plan Provide actuarial and risk management peer review across teams and divisions Perf...

  • AXA安盛 Hong kong +

    A brilliant career awaits you at AXA (biggest insurance Company in the world) We welcome young and passionate talent: •Bachelor degree holders in all disciplines (Fresh graduates are welcome) •Energetic, outgoing with good interpersonal skills. •Determined and eager to pursue a better lifestyle •Passionate in private client wealth management service sector •Mature, self-motivated and a good team player •PRC candidate, IANG 操流利普通話者優先 (歡迎國內交流生)   We offers: •Well-structured and comprehensive MDRT,...

  • AXA安盛 Kowloon

    Special Finance Package for Bank Staff! Job description and responsibilities Provide comprehensive Financial and Investment advice to clients. Identify clients’ needs and establish appropriate plans/retirement schemes. Legacy planning to High Net Worth individuals. Team building and participating in own career development.   Entry Requirements Associate Degree or above HK I.D Card holder and Welcome Mainland China Fresh Graduates with IANG student Energetic with Entrepreneurship Passionate, inde...

  • AXA安盛 Hong kong

    --保險理財企業家-- 入息豐厚 / 無本創業,年薪百萬不是夢 擴展機會 / 3年內晉升管理層,創建自己的代理企業團隊 工作價值 / 為客建立經濟保障,財富增值傳承,對社會褔利發揮積極影響   由專業認可財務策劃師CFP, MDRT會員以教練式指導,追求專業及卓越 由AXA專業學院提供超過100項專業銷售及管理課程,在事業旅途上持續得到培訓 代理最具創新,全面競爭力的保險理財產品,包括MPF,一般保險 可獲公司派發客戶及定期ROADSHOW開拓客源. 特長新人津貼期加MDRT獎金390,000以上. 豁免考牌費及註冊費用   如果你是追夢者AXA安盛.雋賢事業發展平台幫到你 ! 要為自己的未來奮鬥的話, 馬上 按APPLY NOW , 或與我們招募經理蔡先生whatsapp96336822聯絡或

  • AXA Hong Kong Wong chuk hang

    Job Description: Assist commercial team for underwriting support including new and renewal preparation Follow up with policy e.g. missing documents Communicate with internal customers to review instructions Admin and service support for policy handling Other duties as assigned by supervisor   Job Requirements: 2-3 years of experience in general insurance will be an advantage Team player with good interpersonal and analytical skills Good PC skills Good command of both written and spoken English a...


    Job Description Perform clerical support such as data input, filing and scanning Prepare policy, endorsement, certificate and confirmation letter Handle ad hoc tasks as assigned Qualification Requirements Form 5 or above Organized, responsible, careful and high accuracy Hands-on PC skills in MS Word and MS Excel Good interpersonal and communication skills Immediate available is preferred Other Job Openings Please visit “Join Us” in our website At Asia Insurance Co., L...


    Job Responsibilities: Customer services aspect Provide a financial check-up for potential clients Provide professional and constructive solutions to the clients Management aspect Promote to be the Junior Leader to handle recruitment, training, and coaching of new members Promote to be the Senior Leader to manage Junior Leaders Requirements: Degree holder or above (Fresh graduates will also be considered) Presentable with good interpersonal skills Banking or customer services working experience i...

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